My son Ziggy is a little over three, and his interest in using the toilet is pretty scant.
However, my interest in him using the toilet is pretty big.
Right before he was born, for reasons too convoluted to get into here, I made a deal with my husband that I would change all of our soon-to-be-born son's diapers, and as we are both contractual in nature, we've kept to this arrangement these 3+ years.
My husband even sent Ziggy over to me holding a little plastic bag filled with a wipes container and a clean diaper. And yes, I realized if Ziggy could follow that direction, he could use the potty, too.
One of the few things in the world of potty training and diapers my son actually
does have an interest in is the diapers he'll wear - and that is he'll wear
only Huggies Pull-Ups Training Pants with "the cars with faces," and he always specifies if he wants to wear "just the one car" or "both the two cars."
Sometimes he wears the Pull-Ups and just skips pants all-together, not sure I'm totally OK with that.
Big Sister Kay and Ziggy |
Lately, Ziggy has even been able to put his Pull-Ups on by himself, carefully making sure the zipper design goes in front.
And yes, again, I realize that if Ziggy can pay this much attention to a pair of training pants, he can also learn to use the potty.
I'm always looking for a good deal on Pull-Ups, so when I found out from
Collective Bias that they had a campaign to share that
Walmart had a roll-back price on Huggies Pull-Ups, I knew I wanted to help spread the word about the savings.
At Walmart stores and online at a pack of 19 to 26 (depends on the size)
Huggies Pull-Ups are a rollback price $8.97 - reduced from $9.47.
I ordered two packs, and chose to have them shipped directly to my house -- it's free to ship to your local store on orders of any size, and to your home on orders of $45 or more.
To make a trip to the potty even more enticing for my son, I also got a
9-pack of Hot Wheels cars and a starter kit of
wall tracks, which I'll put on the bathroom wall in hopes it will soon be his favorite room in the house.
And while I look forward to a day in the not-so-distant future when Huggies Pull-Ups aren't on my weekly shopping list, until then I'm glad to get a good deal on training pants with "just the one car" and "both the two cars."
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and Huggies. #HuggiesWalmart #CBias #SocialFabric. All opinions are my own, and my son really does like Huggies Pull-Ups that much.