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Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011: A Random Handprints Year in Review

Last year I made a list of New Year's Resolutions. I did an astonishingly good job at keeping none of them. One of them was to make my bed, which I made exactly zero times.

So how did I spend my time in 2011 instead of making my bed, cleaning the house and staying off The Twitter? And hanging with these party people:

I'll tell you:

January was snow. And more snow. And snow days off from school. We built snowmen. I saw The Pee-Wee Herman Show on Broadway with Jill of Glamamom.com. We had an awesome time.

February we celebrated Valentine's Day and Magpie went to her first Rutgers basketball game. I attended the Toy Fair as a member of the press. It's a great trade show and I can't wait to go back again this year.

March had its fill of big events - Purim, the Supermoon, St. Patrick's Day and my brother's wedding.

April I attended the phenomenal Rated P... for Parenthood which premiered here in New Jersey, and will soon be playing an off-Broadway run in the coming months. Counting the days until I can see the show again.

May sent me to Bloggy Boot Camp in Boston and BlogWorld in New York. I also got in some puddle jumping fun with Ziggy and the kids took a bunch of kindy photos.

June and July were uneventful, spent mostly at the beach eating ice cream, strolling the boardwalk and being pirates.

August will be remembered mostly for just one thing: Hurricane Irene.

September my kids became obsessed with Duck Tape.

October was an entire month of Halloween - and while I do loathe the holiday sprawl, I decided to embrace it instead of hating on it this year. Oh, and there was a Sno-tober snow storm, too.

November I participated in NaBloPoMo which was such good times that I'm inspired to try it again in 2012. My adorable niece Rosie was born. I was published in a print magazine for the first time. Thank you, New Jersey Family.

December was all about holiday celebrations and I had fun putting together my first gift guide, featuring all non-commercial products.

What else happened this year?
And does any of this really matter? No. Not just no in the larger scheme of things, but also no in that almost all of the traffic to my site comes from people searching for Handprint Crafts. So I am happy to provide the people what they want - and this year, don't worry, I am going to add even more - and then even more! -handprint crafts.

So what's next (besides the new selection of handprint crafts) now that it's 2012?

I'm not sure, but unlike last year I'm not putting any plans on a list. Though I might try and squeeze in a visit, or possibly even two, to the gym.

And you? Are you resolving, or resolving not to resolve?


  1. Melsboxofchocolates1/02/2012 9:44 AM

    Fun recap. You sure have been busy. I didn't know you wrote for all those sites..learn something new everyday I guess! Here's to a rock in 2012...cheers.

  2. Tracy@sellabitmum1/02/2012 9:20 PM

    Whoa that is a very fabulous and busy year! I need to get my kids working on some duct tape crafts - very fun!

  3. No resolving. I stink at that! If I just wing it, I can't get as disappointed in my behavior!

  4. 2011 was amazing for you :) Congrats on all the guest posting. That is wonderful! Here is to an even more amazing 2012!

  5. I literally snorted out loud at "I did an astonishingly good job at keeping none of them." We definitely share that talent!

    I thought my year was busy, but you just blew THAT away. Whew! I hope you gave yourself a breather in December!

    Rated P for Parenthood was, hands down, my favorite show from 2011, I laughed so hard I cried. I am so glad they're making it to Off-Broadway. Parents Teacher Conference, Wassup?

  6. So with you on the love for Rated P!


Please write something. Anything. Just please write something.