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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Our Most Excellent New Year's Eve

We had a super-fun New Year's Eve day today. First, we braved going for dim sum in suburban New Jersey. There is was, China Gourmet, a non-descript and ramshackle building with two crumbling lions standing guard out front. The parking lot was empty, and we almost didn't go in.

Thank goodness we didn't turn back. Because the Golden Panda has totally Chinatown-quality dim sum. The parking lot was even packed by the time we left. So for all of you who thought good dim sum in the suburbs was the thing of myth, I can tell you... it's not.

Then we took the kids for "ice cream" - which was really frozen yogurt at Red Mango. They were super-happy.

Once it was night out (which my son calls medium-dark) we went on a tour of the holiday lights around town ending up at a surprise destination, which we managed to pull-up to at the exact right time - just as the fireworks started. We let the kids stand-up and watch them out the sunroof and they were flipping out at how cool it was. The huz and I were quite pleased too - it's not often we get to keep a surprise from our three kids.

Now we're back home, hanging out and watching TV. I promised the two big girls they could stay up till midnight. The rational part of me knows this will not seem like the best idea tomorrow when they're tired and cranky.

But the even more rational part of me knows there aren't too many more New Year's Eves the kids are gonna want to spend with their mom, even with the promise of watching fireworks out the sunroof.

And now if you'll excuse me, my daughters tell me it's time now to dress-up to watch the ball drop.

Happy New Year!

Note: Post totally uncompensated in case it sounded otherwise with the Golden Panda and Red Mango mentions.


  1. Happy New Year, Friend! I think I vaguely remember wild and wooly New Year's Eves. Since the boys are now nine, I would say it's been 10 years since I had one of those. ;-)

  2. Dim Sum, Fro Yo and Fireworks sounds fabulous! We didn't do anything today and are laying low tonite too (huz is sick). My kids think they're staying up to watch the ball drop...we'll see. Happy New Year!

  3. RandomHandprints1/01/2012 6:49 AM

    Happy New Year! My kids made it up for the ball drop, and loved seeing all the confetti!

  4. RandomHandprints1/01/2012 6:49 AM

    Happy New Year! It's hard to have a crazy New Year's Eve with the early morning wake-up call of parenthood - said as I write this at 6:49 am!

  5. I hope the kids had a blast staying up late and aren't too grumpy today. Happy New Year!

  6. Great tip on the dim sum. I could definitely use a great dim sum lunch soon. I don't think it could rival my old neighborhood though: http://bit.ly/yzoOR2


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