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Sunday, June 5, 2011

What I'm thinking about on Sunday Night

What a week it's been! Last night my two daughters headed off into the great big world - one to a sleep over at grandma's place in Manhattan, the other to her first slumber party. And as if these two sleepovers weren't enough, we decided the quiet house was the perfect time to transition the little guy from his crib to a bed.

Needless to say, today, the day after these sleepovers, was a very long day indeed.

In other going-ons this week, I told my husband we don't buy Skechers - unfortunately, this information was imparted to him at the shoe store immediately after he had just told the girls, "sure, those sneakers look fine."

Everywhere I looked there were more distasteful products for kids, including from Walmart this pillow with "Spooning Leads to Forking" inexplicably being sold in "girls bedding."

Things took a turn for the better when Ilana at MommyShorts included my (gross) story among her six contenders in The Unsexiest Parenting Moment contest - thankfully, I now know of five people with a worse story then mine, which means even more to me then winning.

And last but not least, my brother and sister-in-law found out that they're expecting a baby girl in the fall. So S and E, I'll be on the look-out for your entry in next year's Unsexiest Parenting Moment contest. But be forewarned - there's some serious competition.

This week I'm looking forward to all the end of the school year fun, including Kay's Kindergarten school play on Friday. And tomorrow, my mom is coming over to help me plant a vegetable garden. And you? What's on your schedule for the week ahead?


  1. I'm pretty disgusted by that pillow. That's so not necessary!

  2. That pillow... ugh! Really?! REALLY?! I can't. In other news, this week I'm looking forward to recovering from celebrating for the past two weeks and start the job search process.


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