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Saturday, June 4, 2011

The End of an Era: a Slumber Party, a Sleepover and a Big Boy Bed

What a Saturday night.

My oldest - she's seven - is at her first slumber party.

My middle one - she's five - is at her first solo all-by-herself sleepover at grandma's place.

And my youngest - who I still call the baby - he's spending his first night in his big boy bed.

So I guess he's not a baby. But he is still a toddler. A toddler who is growing up way too fast.

I'm thinking that when I'm saying goodbye to the last one outside his dorm room at some leafy liberal arts college in New England, I'll look back at this and laugh about how ridiculous I'm being to think they're already so grown-up, but tonight all I can think about is how it's The End of an Era.

And it makes me just a little bit sad.

I am going to try and console myself with some bad TV and several good drinks, but it wouldn't hurt if I won Mommy Short's Contest for the UnSexiest Parenting Moment. As the children grow-up so quickly, these beautiful memories of diaper blowouts mean all the more.


  1. OK, you know my kids are 7 and 5 too? If my 7YO was at his first sleepover and 5YO sleeping a grandmas on the same nite, I would freak. I seriously think that if they were both away tonite I would cry. Pathetic, I know. At least your little guy is home. You could always go curl up in his toddler bed with him!

  2. Bad television always consoles me! (As do drinks ;). We aren't there, yet, but I feel like my sentiments will be similar when the time comes. And it's not silly, at all!!

  3. Does it count as a slumber party when the kid is in the parents' bed? If so, my girl is ALL about them! Seriously, I can't wait for the day when my kids are ready too, bittersweet as that might be. Hope you got to enjoy the first of many nights off! Visiting from Blog Gems.


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