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Monday, June 6, 2011

In Praise of Dumpster Diving and Dancing

I was digging through my old photos, looking to see if I had any that showed  one of my "finds" from the curbs of New York City, which I wanted to share with my friend Liz at Flourish in Progress in case she was looking for inspiration for her upcoming Dumpster Diving trip.

And I did find one, a photo of a not-half-bad painting of camels hanging on the wall of my living room. My nice Jewish family found this on Christmas Day when we were leaving a Thai restaurant. How's that for a New York story?

While I was looking for the curb find photos, I also found this pretty awesome video of my daughter Kay dancing on the front porch of our old house, fifteen seconds of pure kiddiness. And of course, I just had to share.

Oh to be young again.


  1. SCORE! i went on Saturday. i did not get bitten by stray dogs or contract any illnesses. all in all, i consider that a success. however, i didn't find anything as awesome as nice. not even close!!

    p.s. watch out Rockettes! baby's got some moves!

  2. The whole scenario of camels, Christmas, a Jewish family and a Thai restaurant really is an eclectic mix. :)

  3. I really need to travel the curbs with you!

    PS. Vid doesn't work for me. :(

  4. Red Sox cap? How did that get past the dad filter?

  5. @lester i was wondering if anyone would notice. good thing dad is not an oft-blog reader.

  6. Fun stuff. I wonder if that will encourage me to start decluttering on this sweltering day. Yep. I sure do wonder about that.


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