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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Make or Bake a Handprint Turkey for Thanksgiving!

Photo from Real Simple
I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad about this, but most of my site traffic is from people looking for handprint crafts. (Actually, they're looking for hand print crafts, but I like writing handprint as one word instead of two.)

So, love it or hate it, I have embraced it.

I even made a slide show over at Kirtsy today of, you guessed it, handprint turkeys.

And there are lots more hand print turkey craft ideas here in a post I wrote for Thanksgiving last November.

So, however you are crafting or baking your handprint turkeys, enjoy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Find the full list of handprint crafts here.


  1. We were planning to do handprint (I like it as one word too) turkeys today with out little one, but one thing led to another and a child without a nap does not do well with fingerpaint. Tomorrow is another day, so we are going to try again!

  2. RandomHandprints11/19/2011 8:19 PM

    good luck - i agree fingerpaint goes best with rest! and would love to see your finished handprint turkeys - happy thanksgiving!

  3. I hate to admit it, but I think that's actually how I may have found you! So, something good came of it. And those cookies look delicious.

  4. RandomHandprints11/20/2011 11:14 PM

    the handprints and i are working on our love-hate relationship. i'm glad to have a reason to put another tick in the "pluses" category!

  5. Haha! That's funny. I think I'm gonna try this one this week.

    Some people find my site when looking for delicious foods -- I hate to disappoint them, but I hardly cook. LOL.


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