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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

My last Halloween post of the season - Three Things I can Live Without on Halloween is up at the Jersey Moms Blog today.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Snotober!

Tomorrow, I'll be joining the masses for my first NaBloPoMo.


  1. Good luck on NaBloPoMo! It's tough - but great! I'm looking forward to reading your month's worth of posts (a tip that I'm sure others have said: LOTS OF PHOTOS!) and happy halloween, too. Love the pumpkins.

  2. Those turned out so darn cute!

  3. Nice! Same to you Anna. Hope you guys had a great one. xo

  4. Great article and cute pictures. If you want to check out where you can find boys tuxedo and boys suits please visit http://www.blacknbianco.com


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