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Friday, October 28, 2011

Halloween, Kirtsy & Fair Trade Chocolate

Yes, the Halloween perseverations continue on...

Today, I'm over at Kirtsy sharing my picks for awesome Treat (or Trick) Bowls. There are some pretty amazing ones. I was so inspired by all the clever ideas I found that I even got all DIY crafty and made my own Halloween treat bowl.

With skull & cross bones Duck Tape of course.

And, thanks to Seeds of Change our Halloween bowl is all ready to get filled with chocolate for the neighbor kids:

And not just any chocolate, ethical chocolate. I usually just get super-fun erasers and tasty pretzels, but my husband thinks that is "completely and utterly unacceptable"so I caved and said we could give out candy this year.

Then I read Kristen Howerton's post Let me ruin Halloween for you... about how most commercial chocolate is made, and well, I just couldn't participate in buying piles of it for Halloween.

So instead, I found some fair-trade, ethically produced chocolate.

....and Halloween was saved for all the neighborhood children.

Thank you Duck Tape for the duck tape.
Thank you Seeds of Change for the chocolate.
Thank you Kirtsy for featuring my picks today.

And thank you Halloween for providing so much blog fodder.

To learn more about fair trade chocolate, read Ideas for an Ethical Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. Oh gosh. Gonna read that now. Not even chocolate can be ok smh


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