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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011 {Wordless Wednesday}

I didn't manage to get any photos of my kids - they were a vampire, a zombie and a black cat - but I have these photos of their stuffed animals dressed-up for Halloween.

With schools closed where we lived, we had some extra time on our hands that day, and as it turned out, the next day, too.

Pretty Kitty

Brooklyn Hipster

Leather Bear and his Hag

Thank you to Mommy Shorts for the Halloween costume inspiration.

I'm linking-up with:


  1. This is one of the most creative Halloween posts I've seen! Love the 99% pic LOL

  2. RandomHandprints11/01/2011 8:29 PM

    thank you! happy halloween!

  3. mommy shorts is my neighbor!
    fun pics A.!

  4. RandomHandprints11/01/2011 8:50 PM

    lucky! i miss living in the big city.

  5. OMGosh, love this :)
    Love the link ups for this Halloween!
    Come over!

  6. You guys have the most fun over there!

  7. RandomHandprints11/01/2011 9:47 PM

    thanks! heading over to check out your Halloween fun!

  8. occupy the toy box!
    check out my ww http://peekababyny.com/parenting/post-479/

  9. RandomHandprints11/02/2011 12:13 AM

    omg, that is too brillant. i think i know how we'll be spending tomorrow's day off from school at our house!

  10. I didn't get great pics of my kids trick-or-treating this year. They just don't hold still long enough...
    Your stuffed animals' costumes are very creative. Leather Bear looks a little...um...you know? Forget it. I don't want to ruin your impression of your kid's toy.
    Hope you had a fun Halloween!

  11. Hilarious, we actually had a Halloween party for our stuffed animals because my kids were all too sick to go to school so missed their parties. Looks like we aren't the only ones who treat our toys like people :)

  12. Funny, they sure are rocking the looks. Check out my wordless Wednesday at knockoutsleepy.blogspot.com


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