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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

{Wordless Wednesday} After the Storm

While most in New York City were spared the worst from Hurricane Irene, our New Jersey town was not as lucky. We're without power or water, and while our kids were happy at the prospect of "indoor camping" for the week, my husband and I were less enthusiastic, so we got outta this:

Photo from CNN.com
 And drove down to this:

Ocean may look calm, but there are still very rough waves post-Irene.

Finding crabs on the beach.

And more crabs.

Heading back home.

As the skies darken.

To the boardwalk. When Ziggy saw these cars, I thought he would never leave.

My thoughts are with everyone affected by Hurricane Irene, and hoping all are able to rebuild and recover from the terrible storm.

If your kids were upset by the storm, here are five hurricane-themed children's books that might be of help.


  1. Good move. Only our car was evacuated from our 'hood.

  2. So glad you are okay. Hoping you can get back with power soon!

  3. Stopping by from the Wednesday Hop, I am your newest follower via GFC, from http://couponingfromfl2mi.blogspot.com/

  4. You were smart to leave and be sure you were safe. I hope your power is turned back on really soon, and you definitely need water!

  5. Happy to hear y'all are okay. And y'all were smart about it to get the heck out of Dodge.

  6. I'm so glad that you were able to get out of there. I hope it makes for better memories than darkness and boiled water would have.


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