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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The most depressing email I've gotten in awhile

No need to read the whole thing, I highlighted the parts that make me most despondent about what life has become in our town since Hurricane Irene. (My comments in bold.)

There has been so much household loss due to the storm, we need special bulk pick-up.
1) Household Items Damaged in the Storm - The Township has contacted to have a curb-side pick up of these items (and only these items) on Friday, September 2nd; Saturday, September 3rd; and Wednesday, September 7th. The pick up will be by a private hauler's garbage truck between the hours of 7am and 3pm. Please do not put out bulk items not damaged in the storm. We are using the honor system here. Also, do not put your tree limbs and branches with the bulk waste. These are separate pick ups and your household and yard items should not be co-mingled.

2) I spoke to American Water representatives at 5:30pm and they are continuing the testing of the water supply. They assured me that free water will be distributed at the Maplewood Pool until an all clear message is given. That will only happen once the quality of the water meets state health standards. If we still have to boil water by the weekend, Amercian Water will be at the pool on Saturday and Sunday. I told them how important it is to get the system back to normal.

3) The Township is making non-potable water available at the pool also. Bring your own containers.

4) For those still without sufficient water pressure or no water, the pool is allowing member and non-member residents to take showers there. Pool facilities are available from noon until 7:45pm.This is especially convenient for anyone who works.

5) There are battery charging stations set up at Town Hall and the two library buildings. This will be available through Friday, September 2nd.  Because a battery charging station is almost the same thing as having power in your home. Almost.
What do you think? Am I wrong that the upbeat suggestions that giving me free water (if I bring my own container), a shower even if I am not a member of the town pool, and a place to charge my battery is not enough?


  1. Sorry to hear that. Did your house suffer any damage?

  2. What a drag. And could someone explain to me why you can't toss in a few tree limbs with that waterlogged armchair? Honor system? So despite the fact that there's no power & no water, the township wants you to play nice and not decide that this is the time to clean out the store-room? Hmm. I'm also curious as to why the pool folks won't let you shower in the AM. Is that also on the honor system? I mean, what if you showed up to "swim laps" but really just ducked in and washed your hair in the locker-room... Good luck! Hope these are the only stressors & that you didn't have any structural house damange...

  3. So sorry that things are difficult right now. Can't believe what all of you are going through.

  4. I so hope this ends for you soon! That's a rough way to carry on day after day after day. :(

  5. Oh man, this really is so depressing. A good reminder that even though the storm is over, there are still so many suffering from the effects.

  6. I'm so sorry - this is such a hassle. You can come over and use our water and battery charging (with complimentary wine) any time.


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