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Monday, August 29, 2011

Hurricane Irene: The Kindy Photo Edition

The day after the hurricane we drove around our New Jersey neighborhood (I was too afraid of falling branches to walk), and as our home was essentially fine I was surprised and saddened to see so many of our neighbors had not been as lucky.

And, most everyone where we live is without power and without drinkable water.

I know it could be much worse, but it's still pretty bad.

All photos taken by my daughter, Magpie, Age 7.

As I'm sure you can tell, in some photos her sister Kay wouldn't "stop getting in the way!"

Their little brother Ziggy missed the outing, still asleep in the makeshift "safety fort."


  1. Whew...no water pictures.

    My heart pounds a bit before I click over to a site posting on Irene aftermath.

  2. Hoping that the rebuilding process and the process of restoring essential services happens swiftly. Thinking of you all...

  3. Holy smokes! Look at that poor house. =/

  4. Ugg if it was that bad up north I can only imagine what we are in for in Florida this year.


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