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Friday, July 8, 2011

Recipe for Gelatin Stars - Fun & Easy to Make and No Artifical Colors

Is it really July 7th and I'm writing another July 4th post? Yep, it's true. But I wanted to pass along the results of my homemade gelatin, even if it means contributing to the phenomenon of Fourth of July sprawl.

In honor of Independence Day, I had posted a few fun picks for red, white & blue desserts that relied on using copious quantities of red and blue food coloring - not the healthiest of options.

So I was inspired to try a more natural take on the patriotic theme when I read this comment from Kelly of Kelly Naturally:

And would you believe, I've never made jello for my children (red 40 sensitivity)! Wonder if there's a natural version of jello?

Yes, Kelly there is! Here's how my gelatin stars with no artificial-colors turned out:

All you need to make your own no-artificial-coloring red and blue gelatin is a box of Knox Gelatin, cranberry juice and blueberry juice. And a couple of cookie cutters in fun shapes.

Follow the directions for Fruit Juice Knox Blox (it's also on the Knox package), but instead of cutting in cubes use cookie cutters.

4 packets Knox Unflavoured Gelatin
1 cup cold fruit juice (I used cranberry and blueberry for red and blue, but any flavor works)
3 cups hot fruit juice (boiling, or almost boiling)

1. Pour the cold fruit juice into a large bowl. Sprinkle the 4 packets of gelatin over the juice and leave for about one minute.
2. Pour the hot fruit juice into the gelatin mixture and stir until gelatin dissolves, about three minutes.
3. Pour the whole mixture into a 9x13 pan. (or 9x9 pan or whatever size pan you have)
4. Chill for about 3 hours, or until your kids wear your patience down and you find yourself letting them slurp the not-quite-firm gelatin directly out of the container.

Once the gelatin is firm, you just cut out the shapes. Couldn't be easier. And of course, the kids love to help.

... and you're done!


My kids thought they were delicious, and I have to admit they did taste good. And even better, this version is a much healthier alternative to the artificial colors and sugars found in Jell-o.

Do you have healthier versions of other old favorites?


  1. That sounds really good! What a clever idea!

  2. Fabulous! Looks great - thanks for turning my suggestion into reality. :-D

  3. I'm going to give this recipe a go because every time I've tried to make shaped jello, it always falls apart. Maybe I'll have better luck with this.

    Lately, instead of an ice cream parfait, we've been doing yogurt parfaits with a little bit of honey. Just as tasty with a fraction of the fat and calories.

  4. Festive and a craft project-love it! Thanks so much for sharing on Momtrends.

  5. Wow, great thinking, mama!

  6. That actually sounds like it would be a lot better than regular jello - fabulous idea!


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