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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It's Pirates Week at the Beach!

Our week at the beach has been all about the pirates.

Starting with our neighbors, who my kids are fairly certain really are real-life pirates:

The always popular pirate mini-golf:

My son wearing his ever-present pirate costume:

And my daughter, Magpie, also enjoying the pirate garb:

And look! How cute, pretending she is a pirate with an eye patch like the one on her tee shirt:

And today? That's right, in a stunning example of life imitating art, here is my daughter sporting her very own eye patch:

Which leaves me with just one word left to say... AARGH.

PS The kid (and her eye) is gonna be fine. Her mother - after a trip with three kids to the ER - needs a vacation from her vacation.  I am reminded why I am a vacation avoider in the first place.


  1. Pirate day? That's a lot of fun! My son would go nuts for that, he loves his sword

  2. But can they talk like pirates? I'm laughing at the "pirate" theme.

  3. It makes me want say aargh too! They're adorable!

  4. Ahoy Matey!

    Your poor daughter with her real eye patch.

  5. You gotta love a good pirate theme!
    Happy WW!

  6. Ahh life. How it loves to imitate mini-golf.

    I hope it's a quick heal, but if it isn't, the good news is there are loads of truly awesome temporary eye patches available at your local pharmacy. Or at least at my local pharmacy. Let me know and I'll pick up a few for you.

    Boo vacation bugaboos!

  7. what happened, yo? yes, sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation. i'm going back to vegas in a few weeks. you should come. you NEED to come. i will force you to sleep till noon then only eat ice cream for lunch then drink champagne for dinner.

  8. what IS it about pirates? My 10 (almost 11) year old will still, on occasion, don pirate garb and avast=ye-matey around the house with his younger brother. I guess it's the whole running away to sea and avoiding all the responsibilities of adulthood...wait a minute. Wanna start a rebel pirate outlaw gang? Because god knows after "family trip" (that's where you were, NOT vacation), a mom might really want to be a pirate...Ahoy, there, matey and yohoho and so forth. Pass the rum...

  9. @mannahattamamma - why did i never put this together before. It's a family trip. Not a vacation.

    It's a family trip. Not a vacation.


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