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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rockin the Baby - Wallace Shawn, Baby Tourists and Freshly Applied Lipstick

I had so much fun joining in Shell's Rockin' The Bump linky, and i am glad the fun is back again with Rockin' the Baby.

I couldn't find nearly as many baby photos as I know I have, which just goes to show how old my kids are getting - their baby photos are now one or two computers ago, maybe even one or two email addresses back as well...

I was still able to find a few fun ones. Here is a picture of my newborn son:

And here is a photo of Wallace Shawn.

Do you see the comparison? My brother said my son looked just like Wallace Shawn, and I kid you not, for the first few months of my baby's life that image above was all I could see when I gazed at my adorable lil baby.

I also love my son dressed-up as a wee baby tourist:

And here's Ziggy and me, when he's about six weeks old:

This is my daughter Kay, a day old. We had just come home from the hospital.

And here I am in the hospital with my first born, lil Magpie. If you look closely you can tell that I am totally petrified.

Here's a photo of her sleeping:

And here's newborn Kay asleep:

When I sent each of these photos around, I got told that my baby looked like she was wearing lipstick, in a slightly accusatory way like people really thought I made-up my newborn for her birth announcement photo. (I totally did not do this at all. Either time. Well, who can really remember. It was awhile ago now.)

Did you get any weird comments about your baby or your baby photos? And don't even get me started on the people who called my (admittedly bald) baby a boy, even when she was dressed head-to-toe in pink.

Thank you Shell for this great linky! Also, I would like to request that you continue this year round, moving on to Rockin' the Toddler, Rockin' Back to School, Rockin' the Holidays, and maybe even a Rockin' the Birthday Party.


  1. How adorable!

    What a great post!
    I think it is sad to say that I do not have many pictures with my girls when they were babies. Probably because I was taking them. I think I need to get back in the pictures with them.

  2. omg What great pictures! Such sweet moments, adorable, def great memories, and one hilarious part too. Wallace Shawn LOL!


  3. Cracking up at Wallace Shawn!

  4. This post had me laughing out loud. Seriously. - JWS

  5. CUTIES!!! Your baby is way cuter than Mr. Shawn! :)

  6. It is in reality a great and helpful piece of info. I’m happy that you shared this useful info with us. Please stay us informed like this.
    Thanks for sharing.

  7. I have always wanted one of these! Thanks for writing about it! Thanks for the article! It was a lot of good info.

  8. I saw the comparison between you and your brother.Do you see the comparison


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