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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

(Almost) Worldess Wednesday: Ziggy the Puddle Jumper

My son Ziggy, like many (most?) toddlers is puddle obsessed. Lucky for him we have a perma-puddle in our back yard where there is a nice little mud pit despite my arduous efforts to eradicate it with grass.

When Ziggy sees the giant puddle at his sisters' school he goes completely and utterly bonkers.

At least someone is enjoying all this rain.

And for once, I decided to be a good sport, and jumped on it along with him.

I have no idea what the other moms thought about this, but my kid found it hilarious and I guess that's all that matters anyway.

And you? Do you puddle jump or puddle avoid?


  1. Well I think your silver boots are awesome! I have blue ones with clouds all over them. But silver is definitely cooler.

    Sometimes you just have to let go and splash.

  2. What fun memories captured. Happy WW!

  3. I usually puddle avoid, but I need to start puddle jumping! :)

  4. I love your boots! I don't have boots like that and neither do my kids. When we get big puddles they just get soaked LOL!!

  5. If I had fun boots like yours...I would puddle jump!!!

  6. totally right! It's all that matters :)

  7. Oh that's awesome!! I've been known to jump in puddles from time to time.

  8. Puddle jumping is timeless. (we have a spot in our yard like that too, lol)

  9. Depends, if I have rain boots, I jump in the puddles otherwise, I am in avoidance mode.

  10. Your building great memories! Who cares what the other mom's think! Hehehe... Besides, kids are only kids for a little one. Enjoy it while ya can. They grow up just way too fast... sigh...

    Take care!

  11. I love puddles too! Especially in my warm, cozy, comfy waterproof boots There's nothing more fun than splashing!!!!

  12. I tried to get my daughter interested in rain boots but it was a no-go :) Happy puddle jumping! Thanks for stopping by my own WW!

  13. I love it - especially the fact that you joined in on the puddle-jumping. I've done that with Princess Nagger - the peals of laughter are the best! :)

    WW: Curriculum Fair Fun with YoYo's

  14. I hate puddles, especially in NYC. They are just dirty! Harlan on the other hand, loves them!

  15. Thanks for linking up. Great pictures! Greetings from Germany! Katja

  16. When stress is in the air, good puddle jumping is needed. With all the rain, we need to have outdoor fun!

  17. I actually let The Nut go crazy in some playground puddles this morning even though she was in jeans and sneakers. The other moms were all screaming at their kids to keep them OUT of the water and shooting me dirty looks for setting a bad example. What's the big friggin' deal??

  18. i DIG the silver boots. so....what size do you wear?

    I only got my first pair of rain boots last year. since then, during the 5 days a year it rains here in LA, i jump in every puddle i can.


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