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Monday, May 20, 2013

Duane Reade "Happy & Healthy!" #cbias #DRHappyHealthy

It's no surprise to regular readers that I'm a big fan of the drugstore Duane Reade.

Even though I live in New Jersey, I love to shop at this New York City chain, and I'm looking forward to the day -- hopefully soon -- when there are more than just a handful of locations here in the Garden State.

I took the train from New Jersey into the Big City all by my lonesome, which is always a treat, to do some summer clothes shopping and to stop by Duane Reade.

I took a few minutes to check out on my phone which items were being featured, in the latest issue of  Duane Reade's Healthy & Happy newsletter, which is available both online and in stores.

The latest Happy & Healthy features lots of great deals and a very glam Fergie on its cover:

I immediately spotted a few Ology good deals, which has become one of my favorite brands since being introduced to the laundry detergent and fabric softener on a previous Duane Reade trip.

We had just run out of dish soap at our house, so I was glad to see that was one of the items on sale ($3.99 with card).


After a quick debate over whether I wanted fragrance free (my usual default), I chose a bottle of citrus scented liquid dish detergent with the feeling this may be my new go-to dish soap of choice.

I also picked up three bottles of seltzer (99 cents each) for the price of two which was a total score because my daughters and I drink seltzer like it's well uh water. Super-yummy orange and lemon flavored carbonated water.

Of course, I used my Balance Rewards card, and now I'm soooo close to my next 5,000 point award.

So with a nice collection of new summer clothes, as well as a stash of dish soap and seltzer, I headed back home to Jersey, another successful trip to Duane Reade and a great day in my favorite city.

And of course, immediately did the dishes, because that is my glamorous suburban life.

I've got lots more photos from my trip over in my Google+ Album, check them out here.

You can also learn more about Happy and Healthy by following the hashtag: #DRHappyHealthy on Twitter, as well as @DuaneReade on Twitter.

You can also find Duane Reade on Facebook and YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, yes - the life of a Mom in the burbs is indeed glamorous :) Well, at least you can "think" spa while enjoying your refreshing sparkling orange, as you senses are treated to the wafting of citrus while you enjoy a "hand treatment". LOL We make it work :) Thanks so much for sharing your finds!


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