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Sunday, April 21, 2013

What I wrote last week.... and a book signing. And meeting Project Runaway contestants. And Duck Tape.

Last week I pondered these topics on the interwebs:

- On In the Powder Room: I Love the Earth, but I Don't Love Earth Day

- On New Jersey Family: Would You Hire A Manny?

- On Barista Kids: A Review of Kinky Boots The Musical

With all the horrible world events going on last week it's sad and crazy that my life went on pretty much like normal here in suburban New Jersey.

On Tuesday, I took the train into New York City (and saw more police dogs in Penn Station then I ever had or probably ever will see in my life) to go to an amazing event put on by my favorite, The Duck Brand.

They have a pop-up shop in the Fashion District (1411 Broadway, between 39th and 40th Streets) through Sunday, April 28, and it's definitely worth a visit if you can manage it - there's one of every style of Duck Tape! It's amazing!

Of course I went for Duck Tape - because I would go anywhere for Duck Tape - but the big attraction was getting to meet contestants from Project Runway. At my table was Patricia Michaels

who made this amazing Duck Tape prom dress creation as one of the show's weekly challenges with designer Samantha Black (pictured on the left):

I loved meeting the Project Runway contestants, but I also really loved meeting the other Duck Tape enthusiasts, with whom I swapped ideas and tips, with such detail and interest that we may or may not have slightly frightened the Runway designers.

On Thursday, I had a book signing for I Just Want to Pee Alone in Westfield, as part of their annual Girls' Night Out event. It was so much fun - first, because I got to be with the three other Jersey contributors - Kim F. of The Fordeville Diaries, Kim B. of Let Me Start By Saying, and Amy of My Real Life AND an extra-special guest from up north, Bethany from Bad Parenting Moments.

Pictured left to right, we're Kim B., Bethany, Anna (me), Kim F. and Amy.

I also loved getting to meet all the women who came by to say hi, share their parenting tales, and to laugh about the craziness that is modern motherhood. There were so many hilarious stories exchanged that yes, I took notes, and I can't wait to put them all together in a post of their own.

The signing was at The Farmhouse Store, and if I ever wondered what I would do if I found a gigantic sack full of cash, I now know the answer: buy one of everything in this store. If you find yourself in the Westfield, NJ area it's definitely worth a visit.

I had a week of great personal experiences against the backdrop of such terrible events unfolding elsewhere, and now I'm just hoping for a quiet week on all fronts ahead, reading on the front steps and enjoying some spring sunshine sounds perfect.

Have a great week everyone!


  1. The Farmhouse Store is a wonderful place. I think it is my happy place.

  2. Wow. Eventful week. I love that springtime photo!

  3. Great Stuff! We love Duck Tape to @ http://www.ducktapesale.com


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