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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

How to Organize Your Kids' Rooms - Guest Post from Gigi K. Miller of Vision Organizing

Thank you so much Gigi for sharing your tips for organizing kids' rooms - I love all of these ideas and am inspired to de-clutter and get my kids organized today!
Kids' bedrooms often serve multiple functions and organization is a crucial element in making the most of the available space. This is a place where kids complete homework assignments, read, listen to music and play with friends. It also functions as storage space for books, clothes, electronics, sports equipment and toys. So how do I create an organized space that my kids will maintain? 

Follow these 5 steps to cut the clutter, maximize available space and create organizing systems that are simple and easy for your kids to maintain. 

Step 1:  Design a Space with Kids’ Needs in Mind:
The first thing I suggest is to look at the space from your child’s point of view. Is it easy for them to access clothes, books, toys?  Consider these questions and then purchase pieces that allow your child to easily retrieve what they need when they need it. For example, install or move an existing rod to a lower position in the closet, use open floor bins or stackable drawers to store socks, underwear, and t-shirts. Use the upper rod and shelving to store out of season clothing and extra bedding. 
Step 2:  Define Your Zones:
Decide what functions your kids’ rooms need to serve and then clearly define the space into zones.  For example, a desk and shelving unit may serve as the homework/reading zone. A table and art supplies may serve as the arts and crafts zone. And a trunk of dress up clothes, a train table and bins of toys provide a play zone. Creating zones will make it easy for your kids to determine where items belong.
Step 3:  De-Clutter Your Space:
Take inventory of toys, clothes, books and everything else in your kids’ rooms. Toss old or broken items out and donate gently used items to a local charity. One good tip is to keep an empty bag or box in the closet to collect donate items. I suggest de-cluttering 3-4 times a year. Take your kids with you when you drop off donations. It is important that they learn early on the importance of giving to others. Use the one in one out rule. One new toy or book means one is donated.

Step 4:  Designate a Home For Everything:
Sort like items together and store them close to where your kids will use them or in their proper zones. This goes for clothes, toys, games, and everything else. For example, toys and games should be stored close to or in the play zone. Toys should be sorted into categories by type or size. Organize clothing by categories as well: short sleeved shirts, pants, sweaters, and so on. Use labels or pictures to help your kids return items to their proper homes. For younger kids, color code categories.  A pink bin for socks, a red bin for t-shirts, and so on. he important thing to remember here is to set up a system that works for your kid. Every kid is different and finding the right system takes time and patience.  But it will be well worth it for both of you!

Step 5:  Make Staying Organized a Routine:
For younger kids, make it a game by turning on music and setting a timer to see how fast they can return items to their proper (and labeled) homes. For older kids, create a check list to include items such as making the bed, folding clothes, putting away books and preparing school items for the next day. Take it a step further and create a morning check list and an evening one to help kids better manage their time. 
Finally, make getting and staying organized a family affair.  Work together as a team and encourage each other to keep you home clutter free and organized!

About Gigi K. Miller:  Gigi serves as the Marketing Director for The National Association of Professional Organizers- Georgia (NAPO-GA) and is the owner of VisionOrganizing, an Atlanta based company that works with individuals and businesses.  As a Professional Organizer, Gigi utilizes her highly honed organizational skills towards helping others realize the benefits of living an organized life. Vision Organizing's mission is to create customized solutions for home, work, and life that are simple, practical, and easy to maintain. For additional information, please visit www.VisionOrganizing.com.  

Connect with Gigi for all things organization and start living your organized life today!

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