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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

31 Days of Halloween: Day 17 - A Painted Witch Cauldron

My son is going as a witch this year for Halloween - and after last year's whole cat debacle.... I'll take it.

Since he is planning to wear his sister's hand-me-down witch outfit, I thought he should at least personalize some of the other elements of the costume. I'm not proud to say that one of the adjustments I hope he makes is to be a pants-wearing witch, but he's been adamant the dress part of being a witch is a positive, not a negative.

Today my lil witch and I went to the drug store and picked-up this cauldron in iron-tough black, and added a few festive purple touches.

He couldn't be happier.

Happy Halloween!


  1. That was so simple but the coolest idea!

  2. Looks like witch's brew! Happy Halloween!

  3. That was so simple but the coolest idea!


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