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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

31 Days of Halloween - Day 29 and 30 Cancelled Due to Hurricane Sandy

For the second year in a row (how can that be?!) my kids are off from school on Halloween, and trick-or-treating has been cancelled.

Now don't get me wrong, I live in New Jersey and there are too many people who have been devestated by this storm to even think a few kids missing Halloween is anything. But of course, as we were not personally devestated by the storm, I feel for those kids. They are, afterall, only kids.

The hurricane has left me wondering how all the people affected will re-build, when we'll have power back ourselves, when my kids will go back to school, and of course when my mom will be able to return to her home in Lower Manhattan.

But it hasn't left me wondering what to write about Halloween.

Photo from Hurricane Irene. I wasn't up to taking photos of the destruction in my town again just a year later.

Thinking of all in Hurricane Sandy's path, to quote Governor Christie: The clouds haven't parted yet to see the sun.

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