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Sunday, October 28, 2012

31 Days of Halloween: Day 28 - Interrupted by Hurricane Sandy

Today I have no choice but to take a break from my Halloween-ing, and to focus on the Frankenstorm - Hurricane Sandy instead.

Because if you live in New Jersey as I do, Hurricane Sandy is all you're thinking about. I have done what I can today -gas in the car, clothes washed and dried, devices charged, food and water stockpiled. I even found our flashlights and battery reserves. And I have worried, I have worried enough for all of us.

And, I was very happy to remember that over the summer the good folks at the New York Office of Emergency Management (NYC OEM) had sent me a Go Bag fully stocked with first aid kit, work gloves and other necessary items. So now I'm totally prepared, even if a lot of that preparedness was done for me by someone else.
In general, every family (and business) should have a hurricane disaster plan in place before a potential storm. To help, the NYC OEM even has a free guide: Ready New York: Hurricanes and New York City with tips on how to prepare for any emergency, instructions on how to develop a hurricane disaster plan and secure your home before a storm, as well as a map with New York City hurricane evacuation zones. A map I'm familiar with as my mom who lives in lower Manhattan just got evacuated for the second time - not that she's keeping count. Or complaining.

So yes, all of this is last minute for the Frankenstorm that is Hurricane Sandy, but at least it's an important reminder that these things do happen - even in New York City - and that we all need to be prepared.

If you're in New York City, you can find your zone and the location of your nearest evacuation center/shelter here.

And no matter where you live, the NYC OEM has a helpful list of Hurricane Safety Tips. And if you do live in NYC, follow the NYC OEM on Twitter @NotifyNYC for the latest storm updates and coverage.

Now if I can just find where I stashed the hidden candy.

Be safe, all.


  1. Do babies go stir-crazy when you keep them in the apartment for 48 hours straight? I guess I'm about to find out...Be safe!

  2. I have my fingers crossed that things work out safely for everyone - you included! Yay for preparedness, but I still hope that it isn't needed. And candy? That's definitely part of the emergency preparedness kit, isn't it? :) Stay safe!

  3. I have my fingers crossed that things work out safely for everyone - you included! Yay for preparedness, but I still hope that it isn't needed. And candy? That's definitely part of the emergency preparedness kit, isn't it? :) Stay safe!

  4. I have my fingers crossed that things work out safely for everyone - you included! Yay for preparedness, but I still hope that it isn't needed. And candy? That's definitely part of the emergency preparedness kit, isn't it? :) Stay safe!

  5. In sympathy with all of you, I have A) been tuned to the weather channel on my computer; and B) been slowly chomping my way through the bags of mini-candy bars purchased for Halloween.
    I feel all the varieties of pain caused by both of these endeavors.


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