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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

31 Days of Halloween - Day 23: The Worst Children's Book for Halloween - Or Any Time

On Day 8 of 31 Days of Halloween, I was so happy to share one of my favorite children's books for Halloween - or any time - The Very Brave Witch.

Today, I share possibility the worst book ever for Halloween - or any time. It's called My Working Mom, and it depicts a working mom as a witch - and not in a good way. I wouldn't even link to the Amazon page, but the comments there are pretty great. This trashy piece of crap is referenced in Tina Fey's opposite-of-a-trashy-piece-of-crap Bossypants, so there are a lot of comments from people who came to see if the book really did indeed exist.

Sadly, it does. Behold:

The writer -  Peter Glassman - is the owner of Books of Wonder, a bookstore in NYC that is beloved by many and is currently raising funds through Indigogo for a "revitalization."

I sincerely hope none of the $25,000 raised so far (his goal is $100,000) came from one of those witchy working moms.

You can see the book in much more detail on this post on Mommin' It Up: Mommy Wars: Storytime Edition, which was also the inspiration for this post.

And there's more at The Mommy Paradox: The Mommy Wars: Now in Children's book form!

Both posts are well-researched, well-reasoned and well-written which, well, Mr. Glassman's book is not.

1 comment:

  1. The witchy working mom part of me wants to send him a note explaining WHY I won't be contributing to his fundraising efforts. I am a school librarian and advocate of bookstores, booksellers, publishers, authors and illustrators. Even though I have my own tangle of feelings about this book, I just don't think my admiration of his profession can trump my mommy instinct regarding this book!


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