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Monday, October 22, 2012

31 Days of Halloween: Day 22 - Halloween House Decorations

We are spooking-up our house with Halloween deocrations this year, which to be honest is not really my thing. But it is our neighborhood's thing. And my kids thing. And based on the purchases he made of light-up spiders and glowing ghosts, apparently decorating for Halloween is also my husband's thing.  Who knew.

And while there are tons of store-bought options for Halloween decor, I of course am trying craft-fail style to make our own decorations.

Here's what I'm hoping to make (and share!) by the weekend:

- Cheesecloth Ghosts - I have all the materials, and hope. And directions for three versions. Like this one. And this one. They all have slightly different tutorials, so I'm not sure if one will work better less badly than the others. If none of those turn out, I may try this variation - Tulle Ghosts, made with tulle and balloons. Or, when these all are super-fails, I might just tell the kids to take a sharpie to an orange balloon (thanks for the idea, Martha!) and call it a day.

- Kiryagmi Spider Webs - Just paper and scissors, I feel like this, this we can do. I imagine a big spider web banner above the front door.

- Spider-fied Front Door - Creepy, creepy. But again, chosen because actual execution seems within the realm of possible possibility.

From MarthaStewart.com
And last, we are going to make a pumpkin man. We already have three pumpkins in descending size, so really making any of these should be no problem.

Image from KidsKubby.com

No problem at all.

Happy Halloween!

For more Halloween ideas from costumes to eats to crafts to sh*t you will never make, and wonder why anyone else ever did, check out my Halloween Pinterest Board (over 100 pins, because I'm pin-sane)


  1. That spidery entryway is crazy!!!!

  2. Those pumpkin men are so cute!

  3. Seeing things infested with spiders during the Halloween season sure gives me the creeps... even if they're just decorations. I loved the idea for those cute li'l pumpkins as well!


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