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Monday, October 15, 2012

31 Days of Halloween: Day 15 - Fun Jack O'Lantern Ideas

I was taking my daily shopping excursion to Target with my toddler, when I saw this in the Halloween section:

That's right, you can buy a kit with five plastic pieces that you just push-in to the pumpkin, and voila! your pumpkin becomes Woody from Toy Story!

I thought it was a pretty genius idea, especialy for those of you who aren't interested in covering every inch of your home and front steps with glitter in pursuit of a glam'd up Halloween pumpkin.

In addition to the Woody push-in, there's also a bunch of other ones to chose from, like Mr. Potato Head.

And if those aren't your pumpkin style, check out these ideas I shared at New Jersey Family to Jazz up your Halloween Jack-O-Lantern, like making a pumpkin out of a book. For realz.

In case you are wondering, I was not compensated for this post. I just think the pumpkin push-ins are a really cool - and easy - Halloween decorating idea.

1 comment:

  1. This type of pumpkin decorating is right up my alley. I've seen lots of these "push in" decorations this year...mostly eyes and mouths and such. It's so much easier (and neater) than carving. Alas, my boys are insisting on carving this year. Pumpkin guts in my fingernails, yeay!


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