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Sunday, October 14, 2012

31 Days of Halloween: Day 14 - How to Make a Glitter Pumpkin

One of the many festive Halloween crafts I've seen on Pinterest is how to make a glitter pumpkin. So this morning, we glam'd up one of our pumpkins. It turned out great and it was really, really easy - but a little messy.

Here's How to Make A Glitter Pumpkin:

1. Find a place outside to work or somewhere else you don't mind getting glitter all over.

2. You'll need:
  • A pumpkin (any size)
  • Glitter
  • Glue (Elmer's works fine)
  • Paintbrush
  • Cup of Water
3. Mix the glue with a little bit of water in a cup so that it will be easier to paint on your pumpkin.

4. Paint your pumpkin with glue.

5. Gently and carefully cover your pumpkin with glitter. You'll have to turn it a few times to get all the spots. If you need to, add a little more glue to any spots where the glitter doesn't take the first time.

6. Shake the pumpkin to remove any extra glitter.

7. Leave your pumpkin to dry, and enjoy!

Happy Halloween!

P.S. An important update! The pumpkin needs to reside indoors or in an outdoor space that is protected from the elements. In short, what I'm trying to say, is the glue is not waterproof. If your pumpkin gets wet, it will look like this:

You can read the whole story at CraftFail: Glitter Pumpkin - nailed it!


  1. Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell10/15/2012 5:55 AM

    That is so much cuter than I thought it could be! Love.

  2. I bet THAT will keep the squirrels from eating them!

  3. It turns out that glitter does keep critters away, but is not a waterproof creation! Ours all washed away yeserday!

    And @Jill I have a strict no-glitter-indoors poilcy too!

  4. I love this! I love glitter and I neeeeeed more pumpkins in my house! I would love it if you would link this up to my party! http://www.mycraftilyeverafter.com/2013/10/03/simple-vintage-pumpkin-party/


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