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Friday, July 27, 2012

Old Photo Friday: Blog Conference Past

I'm going to BlogHer '12

I'll be heading to the Big Apple for my first time at the Big Dance of bloggers, BlogHer '12.

I cannot wait.

All the talking, planning and excitemtn for next week's event reminded me of the fabulous time I had at the only other Blog Conference I've ever attended, Bloggy Boot Camp in Boston.

I'm happy to say I'm still chatty with lots of the folks I met there last year, including these two aweseome gangstas ladies
Kim, Me and Liz.

who I get to (squee!!) see again next week.

I cannot wait.

For lots of advice about what to do, not do, see and not see check out the advice of some seasoned BlogHer bloggers here.


  1. Um, where was I when that photo was taken?! See you Friday!!

  2. girl, when are we going to get together? You're in Friday/Sat? B'fast Sat AM? coffee & a central park walk? let's make sure to find each other, please.


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