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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: How to eat a piece of cake, by Ziggy, age 2

How to eat a piece of cake:

Step 1: Insert fork into cake.

Step 2: Eat cake.

Now tell the truth, don't you kinda wish you could eat cake that way too. Or is that just me?

Linking-up to Finding the Funny with My Life and Kids and Kelley's Breakroom, lots of fun (and funny) every Wednesday.


  1. Stacy Uncorked5/02/2012 10:24 AM

    Ahahaha! I love it! Now that's the way to eat cake! :)

    Having Fun Creating with Clay

  2. Nice, and I see he has my favorite Curious George on!

  3. This is exactly how I eat cake. Minus the fork.
    {And he is too cute, btw.}

  4. RandomHandprints5/02/2012 8:57 PM

    thanks! and clearly he has impeccable manners!

  5. RandomHandprints5/02/2012 9:17 PM

    Yep, he's a big Curious George fan!

  6. I love it and I want a piece. A big one. You gotta love a kid who loves his cake.

  7. Ha! That is too cute. Kids are so funny.

  8. Kelleysbreakroom5/04/2012 1:54 PM

    Ha! That is how my kids eat it sometimes. They must have read this How-To guide! :) (Thanks for linking up with us over at #findingthefunny this week!)

  9. There are a lot of foods that would be so much easier to just eat like that!!

  10. I love his style and now I want cake!

  11. Yes, it would be fun to do that in public!


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