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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Lunch Snacks from Duane Reade with Help from the New Duane Reader

On Wednesday, I took the train into Manhattan to run about 319 errands and still be home in time to pick-up my kids from school by 2:30. 

Just as I finished what felt like even more than 319 errands, I remembered there was nothing at home for the kids to bring in their lunches, and there were still two more school days left that week.

Lucky for me, right there across from the train station at 33rd and Eighth was the answer to my school lunch woes:

Duane Reade.

I had just read the day before the new DuaneReader online (basically a drug store circular, only irreverent and funny)

so I knew Duane Reade had a bunch of treats my kids would like, and that I wouldn't find too terrible for them to eat.

Inside the store I quickly found Cheddar Penguins:
With the new low Duane Reader price I had spotted online the day before:

And even if you haven't checked out the Duane Reader online before going to the store, there are plenty of "old-fashioned" paper ones at the store:
as well as clearly marked labels by the Duane Reader featured items.

I also got the kids a bunch of dried fruit, since word at my house is when I pack fresh stuff it is "mushy" and "brown" by lunchtime.

Shopping complete, I left with even a few minutes to spare before I needed to catch my train home to Jersey. Walking across the street to Penn Station I realized in all my lunch food buying, I'd forgotten to bring home some products to help my daughter who had all of a sudden developed super-chapped lips.

Going down the elevator, and feeling like the worst mom ever that I was going to come home without the Chapstick, I stepped off the elevator, looked-up and there it was: a Duane Reade in the train station.
I grabbed the forgotten items,

made a dash for my train, and settled into my seat with a few minutes to spare.

Duane Reade, I totally owe you one.

For more photos from my trip to Duane Reade, visit my Google+ story, A visit to Duane Reade with a little help from the Duane Reader.

Visit the Duane Reader online for a good read and to find great deals.

You can also like Duane Reade on Facebook, follow them on Twitter @DuaneReade as well as at the hashtags #DReade and #DreadeVIP.

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. #CBias. All opinions are my own.

I am also part of the Duane Reade VIP blogger team (follow along at #DreadeVIP).


  1. I buy everything at Duane Reade. They seriously have it all.

  2. I feel like no matter how many things of lip balm I buy my daughter she always just leaves it in her coat or book bag.

    Maybe we can get them together for a playdate and some of your daughter's knowledge can rub off on mine. :)

  3. I found those purple shelf signs to be very helpful. They helped me spot the items I read about in the Duane Reader. Got me in & out of the store without too much wandering around!

  4. RandomHandprints4/29/2012 8:26 PM

    Yes, I agree - great signs!

  5. RandomHandprints4/29/2012 8:26 PM

    ha! not likely as my daughter is exactly the same!

  6. RandomHandprints4/29/2012 8:27 PM

    They really do!

  7. What a neat store! I wonder if they will start putting some of them here in the midwest :D

  8. I just saw one of their stores as I was on my wild taxi ride to the hotel today. One of these trips to the city, I have GOT to go inside and see what the fuss about that store is!

  9. Nice article and I want to appreciate you for sharing! globalreviewforever


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