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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Six Fabulous Posts (Plus One More) from Finding the Funny

Every week, I link-up with Finding the Funny.

If you don't know what it is, it's a hilarious party hosted by Kelley (of Kelley's Breakroom) and Anna (of My Life and Kids) every Wednesday morning.

Because all the best parties take place on Wednesday mornings. What, you didn't know that? Well, all the best Internet parties that is.

This week, I had the most excellent task of reading all of the posts that were linked-up last week to Finding the Funny #16 and picking my favorites.

There were 69 entries in all, and there wasn't a one that wasn't seriously funny.

And yet, I did manage to pick just six favorites - all which truly made me LOL - to share with all of you (in the order I think you would most enjoy reading them - because yes, I do like to micro-manage, but don't tell my husband I said that).

Five for Five: The Wisdom of the Birds in Pictures from Melissa Camara Williams

Teacher Gifts from Kirb Appeal

Banned from Piperloo

I'll Just Watch You Eat Your Cheese, Thanks. from Mama Mzungu

Martyr's Day from Ninja Mom
Pre-School is the New Ph.D from The Fordeville Diaries

Also? I am totally breaking the rules and adding one more post that wasn't from last week, but was linked-up to a previous Finding the Funny. Because everyone must read it.

Whatever side you are on in the Momming Warring, this post is for you. Because it is on the side of... SANITY.

The Mommy Games: Let's Tally Our Points from Michelle Mossey

Also? For any of you who are wondering what complex scoring criteria I used, it went like this. No points for style, writing, or photography. 100% was based on Was it funny? Because this is after all, Finding the Funny. If I ever felt like wavering from my stated criteria, I simply played a tape in my head of Kevin Malone from The Office saying "It's is she hot, not would you do her. Respect the game."

Thank you so much Kelley and Anna for having me be part of Finding the Funny, and if there's someone out there reading this who hasn't joined in yet, go visit this week's Finding the Funny!


  1. Anna, thanks so much for including me on your post! All of these ladies are hilarious. I feel honored to be included! Wow! :)

  2. Audri McCready5/16/2012 10:57 AM

    Loved these! I found you from Finding the Funny.

  3. What a great idea. i want to join. I love funny!

  4. Thanks so much for the shout out!

  5. Deborahlquinn5/25/2012 1:49 AM

    Thanks for passing along this whole list of funny - what a great way to start my day. Although your recipes made me realise that I'm a totally inadequate mom...you're so creative! Love the star-shaped pancakes.


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