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Friday, May 18, 2012

Old Photo Friday: At the Zoo

Here's a photo from three years ago, when Kay was almost four and Magpie was six.

I remember the day fondly. I had made sure the kids looked their super-cute best because we were meeting friends at the zoo, and we didn't see them very often.

Don't the kids look super-cute?

Now, look a little closer.

Kay is wearing tights, just tights - we had completely forgotten to put a skirt on her.

I decided there was something sort-of edgy and punk rock about her outfit.

But of course I also knew she was a toddler wearing tights, just tights.

I like to dig around my old photos on Fridays. If you have an old photo post, please share in the comments. Old Photo Friday loves company!

I linked-up this old post to this week's Nov. 28 Finding the Funny. Check it out at Kelley's Breakroom and My Life and Kids for lots o'funny!


  1. Love the punk rock look - very cute!

  2. Just say they're leggings and call it a day!

  3. Hey, it takes a lot to rock tights sans a skirt--she's got it goin' on! ;)

  4. RandomHandprints5/24/2012 11:25 PM

    it's true, kids really can rock it like nobody else!

  5. RandomHandprints5/24/2012 11:25 PM

    you're so right. the seams sorta give it away, but i'll just hope they were "subtle."

  6. RandomHandprints5/24/2012 11:26 PM

    thanks, toddlers can totally rawk too!

  7. Is there something wrong with wearing just tights? *Looks slowly down at outfit choice*

    (Thanks for linking this up with us over at "Finding the Funny" last week!)


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