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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Photos from our Family Vacation to Ireland

Thanks to my brother Ethan for letting me lift these photos from his blog, American Vernacular Landscapes.

All photos taken 12 years ago next month, which seems like a very long time ago but also sorta like it was just yesterday.

If these pictures look familiar, it's because I also posted them last year.

For more St. Patrick's Day posts from the Random Handprints archives, click here.


  1. How nice that you were able to go to Ireland. Your pictures are beautiful! Happy St. Patrick's Day! :)

  2. Wow, what a vacation!! I bet that was so memorable! Those are gorgeous photos. I dream of traveling to Ireland, Englad and Scotland on a vacation someday.

  3. OH my gosh, what a wonderful memory. So worth lifting these from your brother!

  4. You look stylin' in that lavender.

    Also, I'm not sure if I spelled lavender right. I tried to look it up in Urban Dictionary, but it wasn't there.


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