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Thursday, February 23, 2012

Toy Fair 2012: Maileg Mice, Maileg Bunny Rabbits and Ty Monsterz

I was surprised at the Toy Fair how much of the Expo Hall was devoted to toys of the plush variety. Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised based on my own children's vast stockpiles of stuffed animals.

My very favorite stuffed animals I saw were by the Danish company, Maileg. They have adorable mice that come with their own matchbox beds:

There's even a milk carton mouse house:

And an Indian Mouse, named Moonbeam
who can live in her very own tipee:
Maileg also has fantastic rabbits that come in a range of sizes:

and there are plenty of "boy" rabbits, which I love because these toys are perfect for imaginative play for both boys and girls.

On perhaps the opposite side of the stuffed animal spectrum are Monsterz, the latest offering from Ty Brands (they also make Beanie Babies, and my children's current obsession Beanie Boos).

In contrast to Maileg's beautiful, understated paradigm-of-Danish-design booth, The Ty Booth was huge, overstated and even included these costumed characters roaming the show:

And people really wonder if European kids and American kids are being raised differently?


  1. Anahenderson6/28/2012 4:39 PM

    i love monterz i have one and her name is zelda she eats muffins ,jam,pie ,and juice and she live and a wild berry pacth! lol

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