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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The American International Toy Fair 2012: The Owls Edition

I was lucky enough to attend the American International Toy Fair in New York City last week for the second year in a row. I've got all of my Favorite Toy Fair Finds over at BaristaKids.com and I'll be sharing more of the awesome toys, dolls, cars and stuffed animals I saw at Toy Fair 2012 here all week long as well.

First today, in honor of the Barista Kids mascot owl, I present some cool owls I spotted while at the Toy Fair:

I love this Madame Alexander Favorite Friends play doll ($44.95) wearing a "playfully pretty" owl print dress:

And here's a close-up of the owl print:

I also love these whimsical Owl Musical Pull Toys ($16) from Brooklyn-based miYim, a company committed to raising eco-consciousness in the home, and which produces only organic toys.

I'll be back tomorrow to share more great finds from the Toy Fair - mice, bunnies and even some monsterz.


  1. Ummmm. Is it weird that I totally WANT that owl dress? Forget the doll, I want what she's wearing!

  2. Anna Sandler2/23/2012 8:38 PM

    i am also completely willing to admit that i want that owl dress too!


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