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Sunday, January 29, 2012

What I'm Obsessing About on Sunday Night: Big Duckie and Pinterest

What have I done this week? I will be honest: I have done almost nothing besides obsessively pin photos of ducks to Pinterest.

Thank you to everyone who has emailed me duck photos to add to the Big Duckie Board!

Meanwhile, Big Duckie has also been pretty busy. My brother, sister-in-law and itty niece came over and Big Duckie insisted on joining their family portrait:

Then Big Duckie tried to play basketball (total fail):

And finally, exhausted Big Duckie collapsed into the first Big Duckie size chair he could find:

After a week spent indulging Big Duckie and my Pinterest habit, I'm hoping next week I'll have something else to talk about. Like my efforts towards creating world peace. And also, what foods can most easily be cut into heart shapes for Valentine's Day.

And you?


  1. I'm afraid that once I get started on Pinterest, I might not be able to stop!

  2. RandomHandprints1/30/2012 7:36 PM

    With 500 pins and counting, I would be the wrong person to convince you that you could pin in moderation!

  3. The fact that you could even talk about Big Duckie after spending time on Pinterest means that you are a multitasker extraordinaire. Do you know I have lost literally DAYS (WHOLE DAYS) to that site? I mean, it's not my fault...of course.

  4. The fact that you could even talk about Big Duckie after spending time on Pinterest means that you are a multitasker extraordinaire. Do you know I have lost literally DAYS (WHOLE DAYS) to that site? I mean, it's not my fault...of course.


Please write something. Anything. Just please write something.