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Friday, January 27, 2012

Old Photo Friday: Portrait of a Young Fashionista

That's me in the 1970s, at home in semi-rural Virginia. Clearly, I started developing my fashion sense early.

I found the photo as I was digging around for more duck photos for my Big Duckie board on Pinterest.

I haven't found any duck-themed pics yet, but I did find these nice one of my brother and me and our two pet geese.

Oh, what a different time it was.

I'll be posting old photos every Friday until I get bored or run out of material.


  1. It's good that, from a young age, you weren't afraid to combine many a pattern in the same outfit ;)

  2. RandomHandprints1/28/2012 10:59 PM

    clearly i was preparing early for my future career as a nj housewife!

  3. You are a doll!


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