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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Thirty Dollars

My son (he's two) thinks a credit card is thirty dollars. Exactly thirty dollars.

Ziggy will go rifling through my wallet grabbing cards and squealing "thirty dollars!" every time he gets one in his little toddler clutches.

Would you like to know the fascinating story about why Ziggy thinks a credit card (or a Gap gift card or a Costco Membership card) is thirty dollars?

Because in addition to liking credit-cards-he-thinks-are-thirty-dollars the kid likes cars. So we go once or twice a week on a mother-son outing to get gas for our car.

And every time we get gas, the same things happen: we pull into the station, I open the car window, the attendant comes over, I hand him a credit card and say just two words: "Thirty dollars."

For those of you who chat with me on Twitter, you know that my darling son recently put all of mommy's cards (except for her driver's license and gym card) through the wall vent in our dining room, which cannot be removed.

When he was done he said happily, "Need more thirty dollars!"

I'm linking-up to Finding the Funny. If you don't know it, check it out at Kelley's Break Room and My Life and Kids!


  1. That's adorable! He's a quick study! :-)

  2. That is hilarious! My kids think credit card = unlimited money. Even now at ages 5 and 7 they don't "get" that we can't just buy anything and everything.

  3. I am sorry. I cannot get past the part in your post where you made mention of the fact that you still have a gas station with an attendant.

  4. RandomHandprints10/08/2011 2:54 PM

    I know - it's unbelievable right? That's Jersey for you, no self-serve gas!

  5. RandomHandprints10/08/2011 2:55 PM

    I hope he's a quick study at being handy too, we gotta get mama's cards back out somehow!

  6. RandomHandprints10/08/2011 2:56 PM

    mine either. they think any mention of "can't buy" just means we need to hit an atm.


  7. RandomHandprints10/08/2011 2:56 PM

    i admit it is sorta funny, but when my cash runs out it will seem less funny i'm pretty sure!

  8. That made me laugh too! I will be thinking of Ziggy the next time we go to get gas. Or anytime something costs thirty dollars!

  9. Did he really?! Ouch. At least you know where they are ;)

  10. Oh noooo! That's one of those things where you almost laugh, but you don't want to encourage them to make it a regular part of their comedy routine, so you go ahead and cry, because really that's what you wanted to do anyway.

  11. Aggh! My son used to put toys down the floor vents of the house we lived in when he was a toddler, thankfully never anything of mine!

  12. Wow, do you live in Pleasantville? I have't seen a gas station attendant in decades. Lucky you.

    As for those "thirty dollars"-things kids do? Enjoy it because soon he will be rolling his eyes at you as he asked for ANOTHER $30 so he can go to _______(mall, putter golf, arcade etc).

    My daughter thought you got money from drive thru windows. I moved to a new state (husband was off at flight training) and lost my ATM card on the way. I needed coffee in the worst way so I scrounged for the $1 or whatever to buy one at McDonalds. She wanted french fries. I didn't have enough for both so she kept telling me to get some at the drive thru.

  13. That's hilarious - it's so strange the connections kids can make! Also, I can't decide if you always get only half a tank or you live some place with crazy cheap gas!

  14. THat is so funny. 30 dollars! Awesome. I can't believe he stuck them in the wall vent!! Found you at finding the funny.

  15. Thanks for coming by from Finding the Funny. The amusement factor *almost* cancels out the annoyance factor. But not quite.

  16. I wish we had cheap gas! My son likes to get gas so much I never get a full tank, because it's never even near empty when he requests another gas station trip. (Clearly, he and I need to get out more.)

  17. that story is hilarioius, and i've heard kids money demands get riddiculous in another way as they get older, i can see my future with my son eye rolls and all.

    and i live in new jersey - all attendant gas here, weird but nice in it's retro pleasantville way.

    thanks for stopping by!

  18. toys, of course! never thought of that, but as you point out as least that isn't mommy's stuff!

  19. exactly. thank you for understanding.

  20. Kelleysbreakroom6/08/2012 3:52 PM

    That really made me giggle. That is so stinkin' cute! That wall vent can't be blasted off with dynamite or something? :) (Thanks for linking up with us over at #findingthefunny!)

  21. Haha- so funny! Way to cute! Feel free to link up to my sat laughs blog hop if you like:) http://www.the-mommyhood-chronicles.com


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