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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Lil' Pumpkins and the Black Winter Coat - Who Wore it Better?

Who wore it better?

There's a lot of sibling clothes sharing in our house, sometimes even with little brother Ziggy. So I've decided to start a new feature, who wore it better?

So, who do you think wore it better? Magpie's on the left, and Kay (holding someone named Kelly's pumpkin) is on the right.

Winter coat from Lili Gaufrette via the one-and-only Natan Borlam in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. They have incredible prices and service, and will even help you shop by phone.

{All opinions my own. No compensation received.}


  1. Kelly did. No wait, Molly. Hmm. They both wore it equally well?

  2. I can't call it. It's just too close!

  3. Will Ziggy be allowed to participate in this competition?

  4. Oh don't make me choose! I can't do it. It's like Sophie's Choice!


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