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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sukkah in the Suburbs

Our friends up the street made a sukkah for Sukkot - for those of you who are not observant Jews or do not have children attending a Jewish preschool, Sukkot is a Harvest Festival of many customs, including building a little hut (literal translation is "booth") to remember the time spent wandering in the desert all those many years ago.

In addition to building a small, makeshift building in your yard another tradition of the holiday is to eat meals in the Sukkah that celebrate the fall harvest, favorite recipes include butternut quash lasagnastuffed zucchinisweet potatoes in orange cupspumpkin cookies and apple custard pie.

For those observing, Chag Sameach!


  1. Very cool. I loved walking through Boro Park at this time of year and seeing all the balcony sukkahs in the apartment buildings. And the foods are news to me; sounds like a vegetarian feast! I need an invite to someone's sukkah!

  2. RandomHandprints10/16/2011 9:33 AM

    Next year! We'll celebrate Sukkot Jersey-style!

  3. I'm not Jewish, but sukkah seems like a lovely holiday. That menu sounds wonderful, so seasonal and tasty!

  4. RandomHandprints10/16/2011 2:55 PM

    Thanks, Lisa! Next year I'd love to have you and kdwald over to experience Sukkot!

  5. Did you check out Lisa's recipe for butternut squash soup? I wonder if that would work out well for the holiday?

  6. RandomHandprints10/16/2011 3:13 PM

    mmm, the squash soup would be delicious (perhaps served in a pumpkin bowl?) link here: http://bit.ly/qJMdrs

  7. I always liked this one. Enjoy!

  8. I'm so glad you share these special traditions with us. I like it!

  9. RandomHandprints10/17/2011 7:33 AM


  10. RandomHandprints10/17/2011 7:34 AM

    Next year you'll have to celebrate in Jersey!

  11. wow. thanks for sharing. I had no idea. sweet potatoes in orange cups? yes, please!

  12. I love learning about these special traditions. That way, when you invite me over next time, I'll know just what to do. *hint* no, i'm kidding. I promise.

  13. My son slept over my Italian in-laws last week and built a Sukkah on their lawn. OK, 4 sides is 1 extra, but I was still majorly proud!
    Happy Sukkos!

  14. love that! next year you should join us out here in scenic nj!

  15. i'm adding you to the official 2012 sukkos invite list. tell cal and harv to start preparing now for their visit to jersey!


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