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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Instructions for My Husband: When You Start a Sentence with "In My Opinion" You Do Not Need to Always Add "Which is Undoubtedly Correct"

Usually, when people give their opinion, it is something they believe to be true. I'm too lazy to Google/Wikipedia/Dictionary.com it, but I am betting that is even the actual definition of opinion.

So, you don't need to (always! every single time!) be redundant and say "My opinion, which is undoubtedly correct, is that you are doing blah blah blah totally the wrong way." I know you think you are correct, even undoubtedly correct, and that is exactly why you're saying whatever stupid thing it is you're saying.

Why would you be saying something you didn't think was correct?

Because in my opinion, which is undoubtedly correct the day is not going to come when I hear you say "My opinion, which I'm not totally sure about and might be incorrect..."


Am I the only person who thinks an opinion doesn't need a qualifier?
This is my twenty-fifth instruction for my husband in my ongoing series Instructions for My Husband.


  1. School him, mama! Just keep schoolin' him!

  2. RandomHandprints10/13/2011 11:53 PM

    Sing it sister!

  3. RandomHandprints10/14/2011 3:46 PM

    Amen to that!

  4. In my opinion, which I'm sure is utterly nonsensical... yeah. It's like my students, who write "in my own personal opinion..." I'm sorry but who else's personal opinion would you be using, exactly? Frankly, in my opinion, your husband would do well to listen to your opinion, as it is UNDOUBTEDLY correct. (in my opinion, anyway... : )

  5. An opinion does not need such a qualifier! Sheesh.
    PS, I love that I'm your top commenter :)
    PPS, did you see @fordeville's post for my Jersey Mamas Got Blog series?

  6. RandomHandprints10/14/2011 11:43 PM

    thank you for agreeing!
    and i too love you are the top commenter!
    just read @fordeville's hilarious post, awesome button!

  7. RandomHandprints10/14/2011 11:44 PM

    my opinion is that your opinion is undoubtely correct, but that's just my personal opinion.

  8. Definitely drop the qualifier!

  9. Wait, you haven't started to walk away yet. That always works for me.

  10. Hi, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (http://annesfunnyfarm.blogspot.com), and I’m visiting from Finding the Funny.

    I would then say to him, "In my opinion, which is undoubtedly correct, I am about to hit you over the head with an iron frying pan".

    Anyway, it’s nice to “meet” you! Hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

  11. My husband gets so mad when I qualify statements with "This is true". He is right and so are you. Totally unnecessary. He'll love that I read this post b/c it's a push to break that annoying habit!

  12. In my opinion...less is always more. Good luck girl!


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