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Monday, September 19, 2011

Talk Like a Pirate Day is Today!

Today, September 19, is National International Talk Like a Pirate Day. Invented by two (possibly three) presumably bored and inebriated guys back in 1995.

My kids love pirates.

So, on their behalf, we'll be celebrating today with plenty of arrrs, avasts, costumes and the always festive, hardtack.

Need help talkin' like a pirate? Check out this handy pirate-english translator. Now if I could just find a woof-english translator...

I just read the original Dave Barry column that started it all, and aye, that be funny, matey.

Will you be talking like a pirate today? My husband has assured me he'll be yelling "Shiver me timbers!" as often as possible at his office.


  1. When you mentioned that pirate translator, I remember that I spent a lot of time on there once, but now I can't for the life of me remember why!

  2. Fun! Well, at least for an hour -- and then my kids (or husband) would take it too far and drive me insane. Aye.

  3. RandomHandprints9/19/2011 11:25 PM

    there were some really funny tweets asking the pirates to take it offline. blimey!

  4. RandomHandprints9/19/2011 11:26 PM

    please, please you must share if you remember why... do you think you were thinking of trading it all in for a life at sea?

  5. My boys had zero interest in talking like a pirate with me yesterday. #partypoopers

  6. i can't even imagine how they could NOT want to. clearly, they are all growns up!


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