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Friday, September 16, 2011

Instructions for My Husband: While delicious, bacon does not need to be included in every single dish you make.

I love bacon.

You love bacon.

And yet...

We don't need to include bacon in every meal, let alone every dish.

For example, when you cooked a delicious meal on Saturday night it was great that you included bacon in the home fried potatoes. It was a nice touch to wrap the steaks in bacon. But really, did you have to put bacon in the asparagus? Couldn't one dish be bacon-free?

As you know, I love bacon as much as the next person, but at least one dish in every meal should be bacon-free. One dish should also be low in sodium, but that is an instruction for another day.

Photo from the very awesome The Baconcyclopedia: The Ultimate Bacon Reference of Baconic Proportions.

This is my twenty-third instruction for my husband in the ongoing series Instructions for My Husband.


  1. I may have to respectfully disagree with you. bacon=better

  2. @crookedlittlehouse - you will have to come for dinner one night when the huz is cooking!

  3. This made me burst out laughing : ) All three parts of the meal had bacon. SO FUNNY! What a guy!

  4. Too funny. I don't eat bacon, and my husband seems to be okay with that. However, the very few times we go out for breakfast, he always orders some. Can I send him over to your place for dinner some time?

  5. RandomHandprints9/17/2011 10:53 PM

    your husband - and you - are welcome for dinner anytime!

  6. RandomHandprints9/17/2011 10:54 PM

    Thanks, it still needs work but it's getting there...

  7. RandomHandprints9/17/2011 11:33 PM

    yes, my huz is definitely some guy.

  8. RandomHandprints9/17/2011 11:34 PM

    you will have to come to dinner sometime when the huz is cooking!

  9. I put bacon in cinnamon rolls..my husband loved it. If they had a bacon retreat he would go to it. I feel you pain!

  10. RandomHandprints9/18/2011 10:35 PM

    mmm bacon in cinnamon rolls. that sounds almost too good to be true.

  11. My 6 year old son swears everything is better with bacon. ;o)

    Thanks for linking up with Friday Food on MomTrends.com!

    ~Shannon (Food Channel Editor @ MomTrends)

  12. Alicia Harper9/19/2011 11:08 AM

    Hilarious, as usual. I love bacon too, but I'd certainly be sick of it if I ate it with every dish.

    Mommy Delicious

  13. My son would have loved this dinner! he had bacon ice cream over the summer in Rehoboth and loved it.

  14. RandomHandprints9/24/2011 9:02 PM

    mmm, bacon ice cream sounds awesome! i'll have to get the name of the place next summer! and next summer would love to have your fam over for all-you-can-eat bacon dinner!


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