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Friday, September 23, 2011

Happy First Day of Fall!

Today is the first day of fall.

The first leaves are starting to come down, and my kids eagerly reminded me that's it's almost time for "Leaf Village!"

What is Leaf Village you ask? It is a town I "let" them make last year out of the fallen leaves in our yard.

To create Leaf Village, one had to rake the leaves into neat piles that were then labeled "House," "School" and "Bench," the last one being designated the sitting-on pile. There was of course, also a town swimming pool. And yes, diving was permitted.

And even more ironic to me, all the neighborhood kids enjoyed helping to make Leaf Village - our yard being the only on the block where the leaves weren't miraculous blown away from a garden service while the kids were at school.

I can only imagine what their parents thought.


  1. You're the FUN mom in the neighborhood!

  2. RandomHandprints9/23/2011 6:32 PM

    ha! i only wish i was that mom....

  3. A big bronx cheer to the tidy leaf-blown lawns. That's always struck me as a totally ridiculous process: blow the leaves away into the street, rake them up and then...blow them away again? Sisyphus, anyone? Love the leaf piles--one of the fondest memories of my own suburban (pre-invention of hte leaf blower) childhood...good for you for going old school!

  4. Chaseyourdreams9/27/2011 12:06 PM

    Oh, I love the Leaf Village! I think we will build one of those this fall as well. Still very green here in NC though. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. Who cares what the parents thought....the kids thought you were the coolest mom on the block. =)

  6. That looks like so much fun!

  7. Aw! That looks like a blast. I would have joined in (if my outfit permitted)

  8. I am so jealous. We do not have nearly any fallen leaves yet and I want some! I love fall!

  9. RandomHandprints9/28/2011 9:56 PM

    i'd be happy to ship some of ours down to you!

  10. RandomHandprints9/28/2011 9:57 PM

    any outfit works in leaf village! you should come join us in the 'burbs to experience the new construction in 2012.

  11. RandomHandprints9/28/2011 9:57 PM

    thanks, it really is fun!

  12. RandomHandprints9/28/2011 9:58 PM

    er i dont know about coolest mom, but some kinda mom that's for sure....

  13. RandomHandprints9/28/2011 10:01 PM

    thanks, also i noticed my husband googled bronx cheer. always nice to learn something new!


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