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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Few Favorites from the New York International Gift Fair (NYIGF)

This year I made my first trip to the New York International Gift Fair (NYIGF) at the Javits Center in New York City. I had been to the Book Expo and the Toy Fair at the Javits Center, so I had some idea of the massiveness of these kinds of shows, but still, I had no idea I'd have the chance to view so many incredible products. I wanted everything - which of course makes sense, it is after all the Gift Fair.

A few of my favorites from the NYIGF are below.

For travelers:

I was instantly smitten by everything from Miamica, which has first-class accessories for travel:

I an a big fan of their clever boot packing solution

these hilarious luggage tags:

And these fun whimsical wallets:


For parents:

My Blue Bumbershoot has solved the problem faced by every stroller-pushing parent, how to keep yourself dry in the rain. Sure, your kid is protected by 10 plys of latex, but the stroller chauffeur is left out in the rain. Not anymore! This clever umbrella attaches to the arm of the stroller. Now if someone could just invent a stroller cup-holder that actually works, stroller chauffeurs everywhere will really be set.


For kids:

I saw so many wonderful kids products, but I especially adored these Jack-in-the-boxes by Jack Rabbit Creations:

Jack Rabbit also makes gorgeous wooden toys and a line of super fun plush that (almost) makes me want to by my kids another stuffed animal.

I also loved Anamalz, bendable wooden animals and dinosaurs from Australia. Honestly, I'd buy these for myself as much as for the kids, because they really are that awesome. Just check out this triceratops.
 I also saw some great items from Trumpette, some new versions of their signature baby socks-as-shoes:

And these great schlep bags, which come in a range of sizes.

It was an incredible experience talking to the creators and designers behind these wonderful products, and I can't wait till the show rolls back into town in January.

P.S. I also saw a lot of really amazing Brooklyn-born wares, but I'm saving those for their own Brooklyn-rific post coming soon.

I have lots more photos from the New York International Gift Fair (NYIGF) on Facebook - to see them just go to Facebook.com/RandomHandprints.


  1. Hi Anna, came across your post through Twitter. I like your picks, especially the luggage tags! When you mentioned Brooklyn-based wares I hoped that you met Susan Hahn at her Auntie Oti booth. She is a truly remarkable designer and artist. We went to middle school and HS together in California and reunited when I lived in NJ (up until last spring). Anyway, I look forward to your next installment.

  2. That would have been so much fun to see everything! I've always like those little anamalz things too.

  3. Awesome site and post!

    I am stopping by on the Alexa hop and following along via GFC, Facebook & Twitter. I hope you're able to come visit my site as well.



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