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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: My kids and ice cream, a retrospective

In honor of National Ice Cream Month, pictures of my kids and ice cream:

PS If you live in New Jersey, here's a list of places with homemade ice cream.


  1. Ice cream month?!? How did I not know this?!? I must go have some right now.

  2. No denying they like it, that's for sure!

  3. I love these. I think the final one might be my favorite.

  4. @GoodGirlGoneGreen - it *is* sponge bob ice cream, and the list of artifical ingredients in it could make you cry

    @skramly the last photo is my fav too, and currently my phone screen photo

  5. I like the pic of Ziggy in the red shirt best. There's just something about that knowing, world-weary look in his eyes.

  6. Hello Fancy Spongebob.

    I always wondered what he tasted like.

  7. @hammerplayer yes, i'm sure your liking that pic best has absolutely nothing to do with the #1 phillies fan shirt the kid is wearing. nothing.

    @elizabeth - we should so have a spongebob ice cream party!


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