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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Baby and Wallace Shawn: My Entry in the Mommy Shorts Baby/Celebrity Lookalikes Contest

My older brother L.E.S.ter suggested on his blog that my newborn son looks like Wallace Shawn. Now of course every time I look at my baby all I see is this:

Instead of this:
What do you think? Is Ziggy a Wallace lookalike? Do I need to get him a pair of baby glasses for a true comparison?

To join the fun and enter your kid in the Mommy Shorts Baby/Celebrity Lookalikes Contest, go here.


  1. Indubitably!

    Sadly you won't even get the joke.

  2. I get the joke! Have you never seen Princess Bride or something??

    Thank you for entering. Wallace is in a word— AWESOME. You don't happen to have a frontal shot do you???

  3. If you are Sicilian you should win the contest by automatic default.

  4. @mommyshorts i will see what else i can dig up :)


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