Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sorta Wordless Wednesday - Our Bethany Beach Vacation

We took a vacation, which is using the term loosely as I was alone with my three small children most of the time, and let's be honest that makes a vacation at best vacation-ish.  (MannahattaMamma pointed out to me it was actually a family trip and that vacation doesn't figure into it at all.)

Still, there were lots of good times. We went peach picking...

... which lead to homemade Peach Cobbler. And was it good, and easy to make. I'll post the recipe soon.

We also ate a huge amount of my favorite food in the world, and local speciality, Maryland Blue Crabs. I am proud to say my kids liked them too - and why shouldn't they like food you get to smash with a hammer?

There was my son Ziggy's delight of steering the car carts at the local grocery store:

And my introduction to an incredibly delicious cookie I never even knew existed (and probably shouldn't), Bergers Cookies from Baltimore:

We read Misty of Chincoteague (a favorite book of my childhood) and got a non-fiction book about Assateague as we planned our August visit there to see the wild ponies:

There were trips to the zoo, the beach, the boardwalk and the local nature center. I'm so grateful to Mel of Delaware Beach Families for sharing all her tips and insider knowledge. If you are planning a visit to the Delaware Beaches follow her @DeBeachMoms on Twitter, she is an incredible resource.

We also got lots of fun ideas and guidance from the awesome duo from Host our Coast, also on Twitter, @HostOurCoast. If you have questions about places to go and things to do in the Bethany Beach area and beyond... they have your answers. And, my kids and I were even lucky enough to meet them in person!

And kids being kids, there was a skinned knee, photographed to email to Daddy:

And when my daughter Kay worried that the photo did not show the true extent of the severity of her injury, there was this (somewhat staged) photo so he would know her anguish:

Not to be outdone, a few days later there would be a visit to "Camp Beebe"

And photos emailed to Daddy of his patched-up daughter in the ER:

Needless to say, we were happy to see Dad when he showed up at the end of the work week to join us for the drive back.

And it was nice to be home again in New Jersey.

Note: It would have been even nicer to be home if my husband and mowed the lawn and watered my beloved garden. Which by the way were the only two things I asked him to do. But that, dear readers, is an instruction for another time...


GayNYCDad said...

Great pics, now I am hungry for crab!

Yakini @ThePrissyMommy said...

What a fun-filled, exciting family trip/vacation! The kids look like they're having so much fun. Yum!!! I love crabs. :-)

Liz Mays said...

The drama in the injury photo cracks me up!

Your food treats look divine, but smashing the crabs??? That is a no-go for me!

Glad your trip was wonderful!

Annie said...

fresh seafood and peach cobbler? YUMMY!! I'd love to visit a beach sometime :)

Savvy said...

The cobbler looks yummy! I look forward to the recipe. Crabs make me itch, I'm allergic, but sometimes I take a Benadryl so I can eat it anyway. I'm always afraid that the allergy will get worse but seafood, particularly anything in a shell is my weakness.

anna ~ random handprints said...

@savvy - i love it, you are the ultimate foodie!

l.e.s.ter said...

Great shots! What I love about Bergers is that it's pure candy, hidden under the technicality of "cookie."

Elizabeth-FlourishinProgress said...

sun, great food and drama. that's like, my perfect vacay right there.

Kristin said...

I loved Misty of Chincoteague. I read all those books. I even got a signed letter from the author in the 5th grade. I still have it. Really.

Thanks for the vacation prep. I hope ours is less injury prone and just as madcap. Can you have one without the other?

Mel said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed your time at Bethany Beach even with your few "incidents"! Definitely hope to meet up next month. Thanks for giving the shoutouts to DelawareBeachFamilies.com. That was so nice of you!!

Unknown said...

You went on a week-long trip with 3 kids, no other adults? You and 3 kids?! You're my hero. Sorry about all the bumps and bruises on the trip, and your lawn and garden. Get that sprinkler on today for sure!

mannahattamamma.com said...

Can't deal with crabs, am total coward: food that looks like bugs is really hard for me (lobster in the shell, etc; de-shelling shrimp I sort of do with my eyes closed). But PEACH COBBLER? Oh be still my beating heart. Am waiting for that recipe, you bet!

Chris said...

@savvy - i love it, you are the ultimate foodie!

Anonymous said...

Your blogs are totally worth giving time and energy.

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