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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Ziggy takes a boardwalk stroll

I took my urban-living, tie-wearing, stroller-pushing, toddler son to the Delaware shore.

And found out that what would be a totally common not-worth-noticing sight in Manhattan, ain't so in this small shore town.

But watching this 14-second video, you'll see this is one very happy urban-living, tie-wearing, stroller-pushing toddler.

And for him, it's just another night strolling on the boardwalk, a boy and his bear.



  1. ...and wearing a tie too. can't go wrong being that fashionable.

  2. Cute video! Your son is having a blast pushing that stroller huh? Love his giggle!

  3. Now I miss the boardwalk from our summers in New Jersey!

  4. He's so handsome in his tie! I love it. Walks along the boardwalk are the best:)


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