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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: What a Difference a (School) Year Makes

This is my daughter Kay on the first day of Pre-K...

... and on the last day.

A note to my daughter Magpie: you didn't go to Pre-K, but here you (and Kay) are on the last day of Pre-Nursery when you were four:

And here's a video of you and your friends singing "So good-bye, to Pre-Nursery, we know that it is time for us to fly..." (I didn't edit it, so those of you who aren't Magpie or her relatives may want to skip it)


  1. Awww! So cute! Love her "diva" pose and sunglasses in the second pic. She looks very confident and ready for "big girl" Kindergarten! :-)

  2. kids grow way too fast. I was preschool helper for a few days at my sons preschool. So from the time they started and then looking at them when they ended, including my own Little. It was just phenomenal how they all changed.

    Great pictures :D

  3. It's so amazing how much they break out of their shell after a year of school!

  4. I can't believe how she grew! And I love her attitude at the end. LOL

  5. Very cute!

  6. Sweet photos. I love the first day/last day photos. She really grew and matured!

  7. those are super adorable pictures!!

  8. she and i...we'd get along well. i'm all about the hand on the hips. you go, girl.

  9. Thatta girl Kay. Look up at me while I fuck your throat.


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